Very similar to David Love III. There you have it. We're going to talk about three keys that he uses in his swing. He feels very powerful from this position and he's really using gravity to his advantage. I guarantee your golf swing will improve if you follow my PROVEN 5 Step System! So notice here, big huge shoulder turn and this is a result of both arms staying very straight but relaxed and creating tons of width in the early part of the takeaway. Watch that lead foot come up off the ground and actually slide out from under him and the only thing touching is his back toe. A lot harder to maximize club head speed. You probably never heard of the first place driver…Robert Garrigus? that's repeatable...You don't have to be a super athlete. Then lastly, we're gonna talk about downswing sequencing drill you can do to help with your lower body and just your overall sequencing, which would be how to sequence the downswing drill, a video in the downswing section. They're gonna get those hands very very high to maximize gravity and maximize the amount of leverage they can create in the golf swing. Those are all gonna help you to get a wider takeaway, bigger shoulder turn, and help you to start building that power right from the beginning of the swing. Bubba Watson Swing Analysis: 3 Moves to Be "Bubba Long". All that matters is where the clubface is pointing at impact, and Bubba controls that with his hands. ", STEP-BY-STEP GOLF INSTRUCTION TO THE PERFECT SWING, Click here to learn about our Premium Membership. From here, you're gonna see this lead ankle really drive down into the ground with a lot of force. The high stretching back swing Bubba has might not be the best for your swing or coordination characteristics. This is all as the club is parallel with the ground. Bubba is one of those long knockers. It resembles somewhat the high hands during his backswing. This is a very repeatable way to provide that resistance. Anyway, the asset Bubba has is his very high back swing with a very wide arc. We're going to talk about three keys that he uses in his swing. You can find all those on the rotary swing website available to Premium Members. Bubba Watson is a great example of a player who doesn’t overthink his swing — and you can probably tell by the homegrown nature of his move. A word of caution here. Sign Up Now! It's the same motions, just toned down a little bit. According to the PGA Tour Stats Bubba is rated 5th in drives over 300 yards. The harder you drive up, the more you can throw down and that's one of the ways he gets a ton of speed. That's gonna talk about how to get those arms a little bit more elevated, which is a real key to power. Through the downswing and release, he has a very classic swing. has completely revolutionized the way I think about the golf swing...The website is No Thanks - I don't want improve my swing and shoot lower scores. You can definitely see that motion right here. Most people that struggle with getting to at least 90 at the top, aren't making this shoulder turn early enough. In this Bubba Watson golf swing analysis video, you’ll find out: Why creating width early in the swing sets you up for power, How elevation in your backswing affects your swing speed, and; How driving your lead foot down allows you to really explode into your downswing! I guess you have to hit the fairway for it to count. Following the RST 5 Step System So watch his hips as we complete this downswing. So, Bubba Watson, three great moves to get power. We wanna get this early shoulder turn so that we can really coil at the top. Try out all of those, really work on your game and I guarantee you'll start picking up some distance. If you're really tired of struggling with golf and want to become the ball striker you've always dreamed of, Click here to learn about our Premium Membership. Join our 395,175 Now, with a one plane swing or flatter swingers of the golf club, they're gonna tend to have a little bit more trouble with distance, not that they'll hit it short if they're doing other things correctly, but all other things given the same, the flatter you get this arm, the less elevation you're gonna have and the more of a loss of club head speed you're gonna have. You can see here, Bubba's hands are extremely high in the backswing. Bubba Watson Swing Analysis: 3 Moves to Be "Bubba Long" Article Today we're going to be analyzing last week's winner Bubba Watson. Pretty amazing how much force he gets in his lower body. Written by Bobby Lopez • Posted on August 19 2010 Boy these new young players can knock the snot out of it! He's getting a good wide turn, loading up the body but just not quite to the extreme. He's really maximizing the leverage that you can get from this position. Now, Bubba tends to exaggerate things and just take them to the Nth degree. Swing Analysis - Bubba Watson Bubba is a long hitter who loves to shape the ball. This is about as far outside the right shoulder as I like to see somebody at the top, taking advantage of elevation. In fact, for every season since then, Bubba Watson’s swing speed was first or second in this category. Then right in the middle of those would be someone like you see here, like an Adam Scott, a Tiger Woods, a Billy Horschel, somewhere around in there. June 21, 2012. Tiger is not even rated in this category. "I can honestly say that Rotary Swing has completely revolutionized the way I think about the golf swing...The website is, "I think he's come very close You probably never heard of the first place driver…Robert Garrigus? Let me go ahead and show you that motion as we would recommend. Boy these new young players can knock the snot out of it! Now we're gonna see the exact some motions with Tiger Woods but just to a lesser degree. I also explain why he’s a bit over aggressive by comparing his power moves to those of Tiger Woods and Adam Scott. We'll see here, as you mention, very high hands, look at the butt of the club, very high and the left arm is very vertical as opposed to this would be more of a flatter left arm which would result in a lower club which means I'm gonna have to accelerate by using a lot more rotation in the downswing. No matter how you look at it, Bubba is one of the very longest hitters in the game, and he has been able to use that power, along with many other talents, to take home two major victories. Ernie Els is rated 71st. With he rotary swing, we recommend something a little bit more repeatable than that, so a little bit less flying parts. If you take a look at this swing on the left, we'll see he's able to do this by getting a very vertical right arm, it'd be a left arm for you right handed golfers. In this new video, I’ll show you 3 key power moves that Bubba Watson uses to blast his drives. Im very happy I came across the site." I believe that's actually in the introduction section. Click here to login. Back in 2007, the Bubba Watson Swing Speed was second to the one of Tiger Woods. We can see creating huge huge amounts of shoulder turn. My back or other muscles never ache, nor am I tired after ", "I can honestly say that Rotary Swing That's providing resistance for him throw down harder with the arms. If you want to hit it miles like Bubba does try to incorporate his key motions into your swing: He’s reaching high during his backswing. The only thing touching the ground right now is the tip of the inside of his back toe. For those of you that are Rotary Swing Members, there's a couple videos I recommend you watch. Bubba is one of those long knockers. JOIN OUR 395,175 MEMBERS AND GET INSTANT FREE ACCESS TO DOZENS OF VIDEOS! Let's watch just the hips here. While he appears to use a lot of hand action to shape the ball, see how most of the "hand action" is actually in the follow through. He's just completely off the ground. That's a real key in creating power in the golf swing. They're waiting until the end of their swing. That's a pretty extreme example of driving with the lower body to provide some power. Tiger mentions how long Dustin Johnson is but he’s only number 3. We use cookies to enhance your golf instruction experience and to measure How driving your lead foot down allows you to really explode into your downswing. my scores are in the 80 to 86 range. There you have it. It's gonna be a little bit more consistent and a little bit more repeatable. No Thanks - I'm still just looking around. If you want to hit it miles like Bubba does try to incorporate his key motions into your swing: He’s reaching high during his backswing. to a golf swing model that appears to be ideal...It's a big muscle, motor-driven swing We're going to talk about those three keys and how rotary swing uses the same three keys to help you to improve your drives. Take a look at the video analysis I did for this Blog entry. Already have an account? Prof. in So the next piece we're gonna talk about is completing the backswing and getting some nice elevation with the hands and arms. I've been able to make major swing improvements and even the putting advice has been a real saviour. Then with the takeaway section, we can work on the bucket drill, we can work on the keeping the right arm straight which would be the left arm here for Bubba, and a few of those other drills that you'll find in the takeaway section. A good powerful swing all starts with the takeaway and with the rotary swing, we really recommend you get a big shoulder turn very early. -Dr. Jeffrey Broker, Assoc. 18 holes. How elevation in your backswing affects power. You'll notice just how vertical this arm is. privacy policy. It's gonna put a little bit more stress on my body. Now, as Bubba starts down, this is one of the cooler things of his swing here. members to watch this video and 200+ more! The back ankle, his left ankle, is also off the ground. Bubba Watson and Jack Nicklaus Swing Analysis | Golf Channel We're going to talk about those three keys and how rotary swing uses the same three keys to help you to improve your drives. Analysis … The best way I think is to improve your hand action through the hitting area. I recommend toning down all three just a little bit, but it's definitely three great checkpoints if you want to bomb your drives. The butt end of the club ... gonna go ahead and get rid of the rest of these lines. Tiger mentions how long Dustin Johnson is but he’s only number 3. Yea, by the way, Bubba does that too! Build the perfect golf swing following the most advanced online golf swing learning system! This would be more along the line of Matt Kuchar, very low arms. They're picking their club up with their arms and they're not really really wide as what we'd see here with Bubba. Check out this video now to bomb your drives! your progress.For further information, please read our without a doubt the best golf instruction resource anywhere on the internet. for U.S. Olympics Committee, -Hub Orr - Happy PREMIUM MEMBER of You're gonna see this lead leg very bent and his lead ankle, right ankle since he's a left-hander, is off the ground. The butt end of the club would be just outside the right shoulder. If you do everything else correct, it doesn't mean you're gonna hit it short if you have a one plane swing or a flatter swing, it just means it's gonna be a little more difficult to get speed. With the rotary swing, we get not quite this wide. More PGA Tour Pros use the RST fundamentals than every other golf swing method combined! You can see that foot kinda sliding around. To Get Instant Access, Get Your Free Membership! Bubba Watson Golf Swing Analysis Bubba Watson is one of golf’s most interesting characters, and his golf swing is one of, if not the, most unique on …

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