En 2011, la Roundabout Theatre Company a produit une reprise de Broadway basée sur la production 2009 du Stratford Shakespeare Festival avec Brian Bedford en tant que réalisateur et Lady Bracknell. Examining Victorian erotic literature at the Kinsey Sex Institute at the University of Indiana, my father found that “Earnest” was indeed a slang term for homosexual in the late 19th century. Wilde a dit à Robert Ross que le thème de la pièce était "Que nous devrions traiter toutes les choses insignifiantes de la vie très sérieusement, et toutes les choses sérieuses de la vie avec une trivialité sincère et étudiée." The law never states what a sex offence actually is, leaving it open to subjective interpretation. Röhm himself was gay, but he subscribed to an ultra-macho "hard" image and despised the "soft" homosexuals. Gwendolen, contrairement à l'analyse méthodique de sa mère sur l'aptitude de John Worthing en tant que mari, place toute sa foi dans un nom chrétien, déclarant dans l'acte I, "Le seul nom vraiment sûr est Ernest". However, Hitler later changed course when he perceived Röhm to be a potential threat to his power. Kiss me, because I love you.’. [11] Despite societal marginalization, a lively homosexual counterculture in Germany gradually developed throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Parties opposing Hitler even used Ernst, who was known to visit many of Berlin's gay clubs and parlors and was a member of the League of Human Rights, to attack Hitler by discussing "Hitler's queer friend Röhm". The very title of the play is a nod to its homosexual undertones as the term ‘Earnest’ was widely known as a slang term for homosexuality. The hidden meaning of “Bunburying” as sexual experimentation is alluded to throughout the play as characters speculate and complain about Bunbury. [54] Peukert used the fact that the Nazi version of Paragraph 175 stayed on the statute books until 1969 because it was a "healthy law" as Chancellor Adenauer called it in 1962 and the complete refusal of the German state to pay compensation to gay survivors to argue that Nazi Germany was not some "freakish aberration" from the norms of the West, and the Nazi campaign against homosexuals should be considered part of a broader homophobic campaign throughout the world. There was a vibrant social scene that grew along with the nightlife, including developments like the foundation of Der Eigene, the first gay magazine in the world. à eux quand ils ne sont pas sur scène dans la pièce de Wilde. Le marquis de Queensberry , dont le fils Lord Alfred Douglas était l'amant de Wilde, prévoyait de présenter à l'écrivain un bouquet de légumes pourris et de perturber le spectacle.

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