Ce champion est très bon contre les champions corps à corps, car ses talents de guérisseur sont très utiles. Try and bait it out so you can CS more easily. In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. 中文 We analyze the data using both conventional statistics and advanced machine learning algorithms to bring you the most accurate Renekton counter stats online. © Copyright 2020 League of Legends GURU. Pay close attention to Renekton's Fury gauge as that will usually signify when he is about to attack. Renekton. Pay attention to Renekton's fury bar, as he will most likely play aggressive when it turns red. Renekton swings his blade, dealing moderate physical damage to all targets around him, and heals for a small portion of the damage dealt. Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Swain and Sion and is a great counter to both Qiyana and Irelia. Le passif de ce champion permet de bonifier ses dégâts lorsqu’il est à court de vie. Keeping Renekton from being able to fight and gain Fury by continually harassing him will severely reduce the effectiveness of his abilities. He can “e” flash for an easy kill. Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Mordekaiser Top. … Lorsque Renekton active son ultime, il obtient beaucoup de vie, mais grâce à cet élément, une confrontation contre lui sera beaucoup plus facile. If you have any questions or recommendations for how we can make this site more informative for you, please reach out to us at admin@mobachampion.com. Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Taric and Swain and is a great counter to both Yone and Qiyana. All rights reserved. Please let us know what you think and how we can improve by clicking here. Be careful when facing either Brand or Illaoi, as they are both great Renekton counters. Sion Top.

Kennen Top. Wukong Top. Ce champion peut pousser Renekton, et l’arrêter sans problème, puisque ses compétences sont excellentes contre lui. C’est l’ADC que je recommande le plus contre Renekton, car c’est un tueur de chars et son ultime objectif n’est pas de s’y opposer. Cet objet vous aide à battre les champions plus fort que vous ne le possédez. Ce point est tout à fait nécessaire pour l’utiliser avec les champions ou les tueurs de l’ADC afin d’avoir une meilleure confrontation. Anti-heal makes Renekton a very squishy gator.

Q de Ready peut arrêter Renekton de toute tentative d’attraper un allié de Ready. Français In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. Yorick Top. Renekton Counter Stats From: All Cha Mas Dia Pla Top Lane (82%) Renekton Top Lane Counters: 60,299 42,897 14,670 1,415 1,032 285 matches, 49 counter champions Hide Top Lane

Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Renekton frappe deux fois la cible en infligeant des dégâts physiques modérés et en l'étourdissant pendant 0,75 seconde. Proudly designed by GURU team. En plus de contrecarrer son passif avec ce … Swain. Dr. Mundo Top. Kennen peut pousser Renekton depuis une zone sûre et quand Renekton s’approche, il peut le paralyser. Il a également une grande compétence, qui est son E qui lui permet de quitter Renekton. Be careful when facing either Illaoi or Teemo, as they are both great Renekton counters. He relies on healing to tank damage during extended duels and teamfights.

Be careful when facing either Teemo or Urgot, as they are both great Renekton counters. Language. MOBAChampion.com isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. 한국어. Be careful when facing either Illaoi or Urgot, as they are both great Renekton counters. Try and bait it out so you can CS more easily. Kayle Top. Nasus Top. La capacité Q de Ryze est également très utile pour le combattre, car elle lui donne de la vitesse et une armure lorsque la rune est chargée. Les compétences de ce champion sont très bonnes contre Renekton, car vous pouvez l’arrêter ou résister à suffisamment de dégâts. © 2019 MOBA Champion. Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Mordekaiser and Maokai and is a great counter to both Riven and Nidalee. Renekton gagne de la Fureur à chacune de ses attaques standard. the Butcher of the Sands. Vladimir Top. Be careful when going in to CS, this will allow him to easily Q for free poke. How to counter Renekton as Xin Zhao. L’ultime Trundle vole la vie, l’armure et l’endurance magique des champions qui s’appliquent à lui. General. Cette Fureur profite à ses compétences en leur ajoutant des effets supplémentaires. Mais je vais vous montrer ici comment mettre fin à l’existence de Renekton en vous donnant quelques conseils et en vous recommandant des champions pour l’affronter. Tant qu'il est en Forme de tyran, Renekton gagne périodiquement de la Fureur. Riven Top.

In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. See you on the Rift! How to counter Renekton as Swain.

Renekton frappe deux fois la cible en infligeant des dégâts physiques modérés et en l'étourdissant pendant 0,75 seconde. Urgot Top. Renekton gains Fury for every autoattack he makes. Be careful when facing either Taric or Dr. Mundo, as they are both great Renekton counters.

Language. Lorsqu’il est en compétence W, il peut intensifier cette guérison ou au bout de 4 secondes. Most Renekton players will try to turn back to you so that he can use his dash twice when being chased. Renekton Counter tips. Empowered, Renekton deals bonus damage and reduces the Armor of units hit. He can "e" flash for an easy kill. If he has more than 50 Fury, his damage and heal are increased.

Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the nation's armies to countless victories. Les champions suivants sont les plus recommandés contre Renekton. Additionally, Renekton gains bonus Fury when he is low on life. L’ultime Trundle vole la vie, l’armure et l’endurance magique des champions qui s’appliquent à lui. 0 Comments.

No tips found. Renekton charge et inflige des dégâts à toutes les unités sur son chemin. Compos / Counters Runes Skills Objets Sorts d'invocateur ... Renekton gagne en lane contre. Be careful when going in to CS, this will allow him to easily Q for free poke. 1,508.

Rumble Top.

Most Renekton players will try to turn back to you so that he can use his dash twice when being chased. 0 Comments.

Il est tout à fait nécessaire d’utiliser cet article pour lui faire face corps à corps. Camille Top. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … Renekton counters, best voted builds and more tips. We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot’s servers each week. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W or Q off on you. Celle-ci est très exigeante en matière de League of Legends, car elle a de grands dégâts, de la mobilité, de la CC et de la vigueur. Find the best way to counter Renekton by learning all the counter tips and having the best matchup against the champion. If Renekton has more than 50 Fury, he slashes his target three times, destroying damage shields on the target, dealing high physical damage, and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. Dans ce guide, vous montrerez comment contrer Renekton. In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Renekton is an early game dominant champion.

Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Singed and Fiora and is a great counter to both Samira and Yone. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … Now free once more, he is utterly consumed with finding and killing his brother, Nasus, who he blames, in his madness, for the centuries he spent in darkness. Renekton build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Vayne peut reculer lorsqu’il essaie de vous attraper ou de vous pousser avec son E. Le bonus ultime de Vayne, ses dégâts et sa vitesse de déplacement, l’aide beaucoup contre Renekton. Ce champion est très bon contre les champions corps à corps, car ses talents de guérisseur sont très utiles. Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Taric and Urgot and is a great counter to both Irelia and Yone. Malphite Top. Par ailleurs, Renekton gagne plus de Fureur quand il n'a presque plus de points de vie. Renekton dashes, dealing damage to units along the way. Renekton slashes his target twice, dealing moderate physical damage and stuns them for 0.75 seconds. 1,384. Laning Against.

Be careful when facing either Illaoi or Urgot, as they are both great Renekton counters. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. La capacité W de Ryze peut arrêter Renekton sans problème.

Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! No tips found. La compétence E est également très bonne contre Renekton car vous pouvez attaquer avec elle dans un combat au corps à corps et étourdir avec une charge de base. Darius s'énerve un peu quand les gens désactivent JavaScript, alors faites attention, les choses pourraient ne pas marcher comme il faut. Trundle. Si Renekton a plus de 50 pts de Fureur, il frappe la cible trois fois en infligeant de lourds dégâts physiques et il l'étourdit 1,5 seconde. Español Renekton transforms into the Tyrant form, gaining bonus Health and dealing damage to enemies around him. Pay attention to Renekton’s fury bar, as he will most likely play aggressive when it turns red. S'il a plus de 50 pts de Fureur, les dégâts et les soins augmentent. Renekton build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Be the first to submit a counter tip! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Tips. Les champions suivants sont les plus recommandés contre Renekton. Renekton has low mobility. Nom Différence de golds @15; Maokai Top. While in this form, Renekton gains Fury periodically. Ornn Top. Renekton is countered by anti-heal. Renekton Counters. Language: Cho'Gath Top. Ahri. Cet article accorde le vol de vie ou l’immobilité aux champions ennemis lorsqu’il est activé contre eux. Language. This Fury can empower his abilities with bonus effects. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Cet article vous permet de blesser gravement les champions ennemis lorsqu’ils sont touchés parce que vous en êtes le propriétaire.

1,289. Fighter Tank. Deny this by stepping a bit back. Les objets suivants doivent être utilisés contre Renekton, pour avoir un meilleur combat. However, after the empire's fall, Renekton was entombed beneath the sands, and slowly, as the world turned and changed, he succumbed to insanity. Shen Top. Language. Deny this by stepping a bit back. Sa capacité Q et R vous permet de guérir, mais cet élément contribue à diminuer cette guérison de un à 50 %.

Renekton lance une attaque circulaire, infligeant des dégâts physiques modérés à tous les ennemis qui l'entourent et se soignant d'un montant égal à une petite portion des dégâts infligés. Jax Top. Lorsqu’il est en compétence W, il peut intensifier cette guérison ou au bout de 4 secondes. Renekton prend sa Forme de tyran et profite de PV supplémentaires ; il inflige également des dégâts à tous les ennemis qui l'entourent. Renekton is best when played alongside champions like Swain and Taric and is a great counter to both Qiyana and Irelia.

In the current meta, Renekton is a below average top laner. 1,410 . Ryze Top. The complete guide for Renekton, the butcher of the sands.

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