With security tokens that grant equity, profit, and governance rights to investors, BMCP aims to set a global standard for Security Token Offerings. The com­pa­ny to be financed is sole­ly respon­si­ble for all con­tents and infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed regard­ing the offer­ing. Expens­es for ICO and future token launch­es: Smart con­tracts, legal & com­pli­ance fees, KYC & AML. Finoa is a leading institutional-grade custody and asset-servicing solution for Digital Assets, customized to Institutional Investors, HNWI andcorporations. Users of this infor­ma­tion are request­ed to inform them­selves about and to observe any such restric­tions. Also, each util­i­ty has a clear­ly defined mar­ket ver­ti­cal and aims to har­ness the val­ue of the tar­get­ed indus­try and com­mu­ni­ty around a token they can iden­ti­fy with. Pre­mi­um Real Estate Fund S.C.A SICAV RAIF, For gen­er­al ques­tions about our ser­vices read our, Inter­est­ed investors must reg­is­ter and qual­i­fy as pro­fes­sion­al client accord­ing to Annex II of. He ben­e­fits from a dis­tinc­tive exper­tise in finan­cial engi­neer­ing, struc­tur­ing and the hands-on man­age­ment of invest­ments as a spar­ring part­ner. Pre­mi­um Real Estate Fund S.C.A SICAV RAIF reserves the right to reject any invest­ment in its sole discretion. The team already financed more than 25 projects through club deals and pri­vate bonds. Monarch Private Capital Finances Six PPD Deals. ft, for a land total­ing 43,000 sq. Reference customers include Bankhaus Scheich, INVAO Group, Inflection VC and Crane VC. SPiCE being listed there is a way to provide more liquidity options for SPiCE investors,” SPiCE VC Founder and Managing Partner, Tal Elyashiv , told Finance Magnates . The JRS Company Inc has become the industry leader in the manufacturing of sign frames and holders in the U.S.A. We have developed a standard which insures the highest quality products and complete customer satisfaction. Black Manta Capital : Token Protocol: T-Rex : Token Issuance Info: TBA : Payment Options: BTC; Other; Token Rights. Philippe Barthele­my has been work­ing in the finan­cial indus­try for more than 15 years. An invest­ment involves con­sid­er­able risks and can lead to the com­plete loss of the assets invest­ed. In the inter­ests of risk diver­si­fi­ca­tion, only those amounts of mon­ey should be invest­ed that are not required or expect­ed to be returned in the near future. How likely it is for such an offering to inspire ordinary investors […] Importantly, the firm chose to keep the minimum investment amount reasonable to encourage participation from regular investors. Black Manta Capital Partners is the first BaFin-regulated Tokenization as a Service (TaaS) investment platform that provides clients and investors with end-to-end services to execute every aspect of the security tokenization process. How­ev­er, the risk is lim­it­ed to the invest­ment sum made and there is there­fore no oblig­a­tion to make addi­tion­al contributions. It is by iden­ti­fy­ing excep­tion­al land that WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners can devel­op excep­tion­al projects. Preservation Partners 20th Anniversary. He invest­ed in var­i­ous real estate projects since 2012, and deployed c. EUR 30m of invest­ments in the Euro­pean Union and the Unit­ed States. blockabase.com is the world’s first user-gen­er­at­ed and token-incen­tivized search engine. About Black Manta Capital Partners ® BMCP is a one-stop agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of asset tokenization. Black Manta Capital Partners based in Germany has launched a security token offering (STO) for Berlin real estate worth more than $12 million. Operating out of Luxembourg since 2018, the company has plans for eventual expansion across various continents. The infor­ma­tion of this Token Offer­ing is exclu­sive­ly intend­ed for per­sons who are not locat­ed in or res­i­dent of cer­tain oth­er restrict­ed juris­dic­tions, and who are oth­er­wise per­mit­ted to receive such information. 17, Boule­vard Raiffeisen 2411 Luxembourg BMCP GmbH, Germany A Black Man­ta Group Company Rheins­berg­er Straße 76/77 10115 Berlin BaFin-ID: 155626 contact@blackmanta.capital We will make our quality frames and holders to any customized specifications asked for in a timely process. the cooperation will include preferred access to established distribution channels and cross continental placement of Security tokens. The spe­cif­ic loca­tions are influ­enc­ing the projects to be devel­oped and ensure the liq­uid­i­ty of the invest­ments to pro­mote rapid resales. The project, once launched, will enhance the unit qual­i­ty of the dwellings, adapt­ing them to the stan­dards expect­ed by a high-end clien­tele. March, 2020. We are cur­rent­ly host­ing webi­na­rs with wealth man­age­ment pro­fes­sion­als whilst the dig­i­tal util­i­ty is in devel­op­ment. He was responsible for structuring and execution of investment transactions, due diligences, negotiation of participation agreements and monitoring investments. Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l. Black Manta Capital Partners is a one-stop agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of Tokenization. The seed cap­i­tal has helped with sig­nif­i­cant alpha beta devel­op­ment of sev­er­al projects. Operating out of Luxembourg, Black Manta Capital is a young company which was founded in 2018. With security tokens … Black Manta. Prod­uct and soft­ware devel­op­ment: BC’s three main projects are in alpha beta devel­op­ment stage. Secu­ri­ties can­not be offered or sold in the Unit­ed States with­out reg­is­tra­tion under the Unit­ed States Secu­ri­ties Act of 1933, as amend­ed, or pur­suant to an exemp­tion from such registration. Germany-based Black Manta Capital Partners has introduced a $12 million security token offering (STO) for the Berlin real estate market. Finoa has announced its collaboration with Black Manta Capital Partners providing a secure and compliant custody solution for issuances Operating under licensure received by BaFin, Black Manta is working to establish themselves as an authority in the digital securities sector. The first clos­ing of the fund was in July 2020, for which 2 real estate projects in Mia­mi were real­ized. After reg­is­ter­ing on Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners’ web­site and pass­ing the KYC ver­i­fi­ca­tion, Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners will pro­vide access to WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners’ extend­ed dataroom. ft land from one end to the oth­er. Ben­e­fit­ing from a wide hands-on expe­ri­ence and from a track record built in either real estate invest­ment or fund man­age­ment, WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners’ team com­bines know-how, a sense of respon­si­bil­i­ty as for­mer ser­i­al-entre­pre­neurs and suc­cess­ful indi­vid­ual investors. Black Manta Capital Partners is the first BaFin-regulated Tokenization as a Service (TaaS) investment platform that provides clients and investors with end-to … Pierre Thomas is a suc­cess­ful ser­i­al-entre­pre­neur. After 9 months of interaction with BaFin— Germany’s financial markets regulator— BMCP GmbH is officially a Financial Services Institution. BMCP was founded in Luxembourg in 2018, runs the BMCP GmbH in Berlin, as licenced, regulated Financial Institute for STOs, the consulting entity in Vienna BMCP Consulting GmbH and international business … With this investment Sors Digital Assets is deepening its relationship with Black Manta to offer Black Manta’s platform to the growing numbers of market entrants globally. More infor­ma­tion about the Com­pa­ny can be found under https://www.weinvest-capitalpartners.com/. BMCP GmbH acts as a pure inter­me­di­ary and assumes no lia­bil­i­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the pro­vid­ed con­tent. Comfort That Seats You! iii. https://www.weinvest-capitalpartners.com/, Lux­em­bourg Law of 23 July 2016 on Reserved Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Funds. Germany-based Black Manta Capital is set to tokenize Berlin-situated real estate worth more than $12 million. Euro­pean investors inter­est­ed in invest­ing in the WeIn­vest Real Estate Invest­ment Fund must reg­is­ter with BMCP GmbH and qual­i­fy as a Pro­fes­sion­al Client accord­ing to Annex II of DIRECTIVE 2014/65/EU and Well-Informed investor in accor­dance with Arti­cle 2 of the Lux­em­bourg Law of 23 July 2016 on Reserved Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Funds (“RAIF”). NO ACTION HAS BEEN OR WILL BE TAKEN TO ALLOW A PUBLIC OFFERING OF THE SHARES IN ANY JURISDICTION. The project includes 2000 square meters of real estate, in the form of apartments and will be completed in 2022. WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners offers invest­ment prospects in a diver­si­fied port­fo­lio of pre­mi­um real estate projects glob­al­ly through a Lux­em­bourg-based Pre­mi­um Real Estate Fund vehi­cle offer­ing low fees, and max­i­miz­ing the LPs return on investment. are avail­able upon request. BMCP GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Luxembourg-based Black Manta Capital Partners. Black Manta Capital. Vis­it the Block­abase Intel­li­gence Desk to learn more here: //blockabase.freshdesk.com. What inspired you to launch Black Manta Capital Partners? Black Manta Capital Partners (BMCP) has announced that it has entered into a broker-dealer partnership with Genesis Block to jointly develop the markets for tokenized securities in the USA and Europe. Managing Partners, Alexander Rapatz and Christian Platzer, currently oversee company operations. Many assets focus on tech­ni­cal solu­tions or oth­ers are sim­ply spec­u­la­tive assets with lit­tle use for con­sumers. Tokens are cryp­to­graph­ic assets that have the poten­tial to make busi­ness more inclu­sive and ben­e­fit all stake­hold­ers, as well as cre­at­ing pos­i­tive net­work effects that trans­late into the val­ue of these assets. BiC­street spaces are designed to have a com­fort­able atmos­phere, with inti­mate con­ver­sa­tion­al couch areas, traders desks and high speed inter­net con­nec­tiv­i­ty. Blockchain Com­pa­ny, the UK-based start­up bring­ing tok­eniza­tion to every­one by build­ing an ecosys­tem of easy-to-use tok­enized applications. How­ev­er, the risk is lim­it­ed to the invest­ment sum made and there is there­fore no oblig­a­tion to make addi­tion­al contributions. Step 2: Com­plete sub­scrip­tion process BC launched Block­abase and opened its first BiC­street loca­tion ear­li­er in 2020. Users of this infor­ma­tion are request­ed to inform them­selves about and to observe any such restrictions. BMCP GmbH works on a suc­cess fee basis of up to 2% of raised capital. WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners gen­er­al­ly invests oppor­tunis­ti­cal­ly in any kind of Real Estate Project, pro­vid­ed that the invest­ment gives access to a cer­tain priv­i­lege with­in a giv­en geo­graph­ic loca­tion. “Fusang exchange and OpenFinance are secondary trading exchanges for digital securities. Fur­ther­more, all of Blockchain Company’s util­i­ties will allow the users to mon­e­tize their data, by decid­ing to sell them to bid­ding par­ties at their will. The fund will have a dura­tion of 6 years, with pos­si­bil­i­ty to extend. Archax, the forth­com­ing Lon­don-based insti­tu­tion­al dig­i­tal secu­ri­ties exchange, is focused on insti­tu­tions and pro­fes­sion­al investors, as well as all types of dig­i­tal secu­ri­ties glob­al­ly. All poten­tial investors must pro­vide KYC infor­ma­tion to Pre­mi­um Real Estate Fund S.C.A SICAV RAIF as set forth in the Sub­scrip­tion Form to allow the Fund to con­duct its required KYC and AML analy­sis and to oth­er­wise con­firm that the investor sat­is­fies oth­er suit­abil­i­ty require­ments as the Fund may need from time to time. An invest­ment involves con­sid­er­able risks and can lead to the com­plete loss of the assets invest­ed. High vis­i­bil­i­ty and noto­ri­ety of the loca­tion, its high fre­quen­ta­tion and the spe­cial qual­i­ty of the sur­round­ing envi­ron­ment are key fac­tors to ensure the rel­e­vance of the funds’ investments. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 2 OF THE RAIF LAW, THE TERM “WELL-INFORMED INVESTOR” MEANS ANY INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR, PROFESSIONAL INVESTOR OR ANY OTHER INVESTOR WHO SATISFIES THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (A) HE HAS CONFIRMED IN WRITING THAT HE HAS THE STATUS OF A WELL-INFORMED INVESTOR, AND (B) HE INVESTS AT LEAST EUR 125.000.- IN THE COMPANY, OR © HE PROVIDES AN ASSESSMENT MADE BY A CREDIT INSTITUTION WITHIN THE MEANING OF REGULATION (EU) N° 575/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 26 JUNE 2013 ON PRUDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND INVESTMENT FIRMS AND AMENDING REGULATION (EU) N°648/2012, BY AN INVESTMENT FIRM WITHIN THE MEANING OF DIRECTIVE 2004/39/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 21 APRIL 2004 ON MARKETS IN FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AMENDING COUNCIL DIRECTIVES 85/611/EEC AND 93/6/EEC AND DIRECTIVE 2000/12/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL AND REPEALING COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/22/EEC OR BY A MANAGEMENT COMPANY WITHIN THE MEANING OF DIRECTIVE 2009/65/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 13 JULY 2009 ON THE COORDINATION OF LAWS. BMCP GmbH acts as a pure inter­me­di­ary and assumes no lia­bil­i­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the pro­vid­ed con­tent. Its appli­ca­tion to oper­ate a mul­ti­lat­er­al trad­ing facil­i­ty (MTF) in Lon­don is in the final stages of being con­sid­ered by the FCA. So far, few projects have suc­ceed­ed in reach­ing mass adop­tion due to their com­plex­i­ty and the tech­ni­cal knowl­edge need­ed to inter­act with their product/service. The first phys­i­cal loca­tion opened in Cape Town, South Africa, and host­ed sev­er­al events. Step 1: Reg­is­ter and qual­i­fi­ca­tion as pro­fes­sion­al investor. We have a broad and deep experience in venture funds and private equity in our team. * Note: The Blockchain Val­ley plat­form will be in sand­box mode until after the AMF (French SEC, Finan­cial Mar­ket Author­i­ty) has approved our 4IR Util­i­ty Token Pub­lic Sale. Due to social dis­tanc­ing mea­sures around the world, BICstreet’s con­cept fits per­fect­ly into the new decen­tralised work trend of remote work­ing and tem­po­rary office renting. Some of the pur­pos­es for the allo­cat­ed funds would be: Mar­ket­ing and PR: A key com­po­nent to suc­cess is reach­ing a crit­i­cal amount of users, for which pur­pose BC will need to do an exten­sive mar­ket­ing and PR campaign. The infor­ma­tion of this Offer­ing is exclu­sive­ly intend­ed for per­sons who are not locat­ed in or res­i­dent of cer­tain oth­er restrict­ed juris­dic­tions, and who are oth­er­wise per­mit­ted to receive such information. The inter­net of infor­ma­tion has become sub­ject to an alarm­ing con­cen­tra­tion of power. Black Manta Capital is a young company which specializes in tokenization services. An invest­ment involves con­sid­er­able risks and can lead to the com­plete loss of the assets invest­ed. BMCP GmbH works on a suc­cess fee basis of up to 4% of raised capital. Black Manta Capital Partners ® is a fully regulated and MiFID II compliant one-stop agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of Tokenization. Black Manta Capital Partners® is a fully regulated and MiFID II compliant one-stop agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of Tokenization. In the inter­ests of risk diver­si­fi­ca­tion, only those amounts of mon­ey should be invest­ed that are not required or expect­ed to be returned in the near future. How­ev­er, the cryp­to-mar­ket is cur­rent­ly over­sat­u­rat­ed with tokens that do not have wide­spread usabil­i­ty or util­i­ty. The next clos­ing is planned for April 2021. Per­fect­ly suit­ed to the sun­ny state’s cus­tomers, this land offers direct access to 2 water fronts, with the sea and its sandy beach on one side, and a canal access to a pri­vate mari­na on the oth­er. The Black Manta Capital Partners RETO started on April 14th, 2020. The project is jointly being carried out with Tigirs Immobilien realestate firm. Human resources: Addi­tion­al staff will be need­ed to exe­cute the road map correctly. With more than 13 years of hands-on expe­ri­ence, Jean-François is instru­men­tal in the man­age­ment of the Finance func­tion of the team, and ensures the rela­tion­ship and report­ing to investors. The infor­ma­tion of this Offer­ing does not con­sti­tute an offer or an invi­ta­tion to pur­chase secu­ri­ties in any juris­dic­tion in which such offer or invi­ta­tion is not autho­rised or to any per­son to whom it is unlaw­ful to make such offer or invi­ta­tion. A pro­fes­sion­al client is a client who pos­sess­es the expe­ri­ence, knowl­edge and exper­tise to make its own invest­ment deci­sions and prop­er­ly assess the risks that it incurs. REGULATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS RELATING TO UNDERTAKING FOR COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT IN TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES (UCITS) OR BY AN AUTHORIZED ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND MANAGER WITHIN THE MEANING OF DIRECTIVE 2011/61/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 8 JUNE 2011 ON ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND MANAGERS AND AMENDING DIRECTIVES 2003/41/EC AND 2009/65/EC AND REGULATIONS (RC) N°1060/2009 AND (EU) N°1095/2010, CERTIFYING HIS EXPERTISE. Alexander is co-founder fo Black Manta Capital Partners. Funds shall be raised for the 3 main projects of Blockchain Com­pa­ny. The world wide web has become an inte­gral part of the lives of over two thirds of the glob­al pop­u­la­tion, yet its users have very lit­tle influ­ence over its devel­op­ment and have no stake in the net­works they enjoy and gen­er­ate val­ue for. WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners looks to raise EUR 30–50 mil­lion with a hard cap at EUR 60 mil­lion after low­er­ing the fundrais­ing tar­gets in 2020 to EUR 10 mil­lion to pre­pare for the fund­ing in 2021. Welcome to Seatcraft, a leader in the field of premium home theater seating. In the inter­ests of risk diver­si­fi­ca­tion, only those amounts of mon­ey should be invest­ed that are not required or expect­ed to be returned in the near future. How­ev­er, the risk is lim­it­ed to the invest­ment sum made and there is there­fore no oblig­a­tion to make addi­tion­al contributions. After com­plet­ing Step 1, we will con­tact you direct­ly and pro­vide you with the respec­tive invest­ment doc­u­men­ta­tion. Jean-François Quevrain ben­e­fits from a big four career track, dur­ing which he spe­cial­ized in the con­trol of finan­cial oper­a­tions in the field of Pri­vate Equi­ty / Real Estate funds and ded­i­cat­ed vehi­cles. Recently Black Manta capital Partners, the tokenization as a service company entered into a strategic collaboration with UAE based Deca4 Advisory, a specialized consultancy and tokenization studio. This can rad­i­cal­ly change through token economies, which will pave the way for the inter­net of val­ue and a dig­i­tal ecosys­tem built around an appli­ca­tion with a unique and native ecosys­tem token. The team at BMCP has made it their mission to develop a comprehensive suite of services, built around the needs of the burgeoning digital securities sector. This type of oper­a­tion, with an aver­age dura­tion of two and a half years, makes it pos­si­ble to real­ize very sig­nif­i­cant cap­i­tal gains. A promis­ing oper­a­tion, espe­cial­ly as WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners has already observed an increase in val­ue between the acqui­si­tion price of the land and its the­o­ret­i­cal val­ue based on recent activ­i­ty in the area. How­ev­er, the risk is lim­it­ed to the invest­ment sum made and there is there­fore no oblig­a­tion to make addi­tion­al contributions. Com­pared to non-tok­enized com­peti­tors of the afore­men­tioned util­i­ties, BC’s plat­forms allow to har­ness the val­ue of the util­i­ty in their respec­tive tokens. Find infor­ma­tion on the cur­rent events on our LinkedIn page. BV will most­ly be acces­si­ble through its eCom­merce dig­i­tal plat­form, but will also have a smart com­mu­ni­ty geo­phys­i­cal loca­tion in Stel­len­bosch, South Africa, for strate­gic reasons. Contact Us. Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l. The pro­pos­al is to bring con­sumers and com­pa­nies togeth­er in a tok­enized smart com­mu­ni­ty called Blockchain Val­ley (BV). In order to attain these two goals, BC emu­lat­ed util­i­ty plat­forms that every­day Inter­net users know and use, and engi­neered all nec­es­sary fea­tures to make them usable with their respec­tive tokens: - An e‑commerce plat­form: Blockchain Val­ley (4IR token), - A search engine: Block­abase (BASE token), - A social co-trad­ing net­work: BiC­street (BICS token). Con­tact us for a demo. Collaboration between Black Manta Capital and real estate firm Tigris Immobilien made it possible for everyday investors to purchase the project’s tokens with a minimum €500 investment. UX and UI, the under­ly­ing blockchain tech­nol­o­gy, new inter­op­er­a­ble fea­tures, process pipeline, mul­ti­thread­ing, scal­able infra­struc­ture, lat­est frame­work inte­gra­tions, AI and machine-learn­ing will be developed. ABOUT BLACK MANTA CAPITAL PARTNERS - Black Manta Capital Partners ® is a fully regulated and MiFID II compliant one-stop agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of Tokenization. HIS EXPERIENCE AND HIS KNOWLEDGE TO ADEQUATELY APPRAISE AN INVESTMENT IN THE RESERVED ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND. In contrast, major investors have a maximum amount of nearly €2 million. The rev­enue mod­els, as explained more in detail in the Pitch Deck and the spe­cif­ic projects’ Whitepa­per, will be main­ly based on: i. Mem­ber­ships (users and companies) Since 2017, WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners raised and invest­ed more than EUR 40 mil­lion in the USA and Europe. More infor­ma­tion under //www.archax.com/, On Wednes­day, 15 July 2020, the found­ing and man­age­ment team of Blockchain Company, par­tic­i­pat­ed in a Q&A ses­sion, answer­ing questions. WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners aims to upgrade a real estate com­plex locat­ed in a flag­ship resort in the North­ern Alps. BMCP aims to set a global standard for Security Token Offerings ( STO ). Black Manta Capital Partners is the first BaFin-regulated Tokenization as a Service (TaaS) investment platform providing clients and investors with end-to-end services to execute every aspect of the security tokenization process. Token holders participate in the profits arising from the development of a residential house in Berlin, its refurbishment and the subsequent sell-off of all apartments. Managing Partners, Christian Platzer and Alexander … About Black Manta Capital. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IN CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS MAY BE RESTRICTED BY LAW AND PERSONS HAVING POSSESSION OF THIS DOCUMENT MUST INFORM THEMSELVES OF AND OBSERVE ANY SUCH RESTRICTIONS. However, the latest listing on Black Manta Capital is different from the previous one. The company’s ambi­tious and niche real estate invest­ment strat­e­gy relies on the teams experience. 21515 Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 150, Torrance, CA 90503-6514. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SUCH RESTRICTIONS MAY CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE SECURITIES LAWS OF THE RELEVANT JURISDICTION. iv. WeIn­vest Cap­i­tal Part­ners is a bou­tique invest­ment firm spe­cial­iz­ing in Pri­vate Equi­ty Real Estate, real estate asset man­age­ment and pri­vate equity. The BV plat­form will then become ful­ly oper­a­tional at the end of that util­i­ty token sale. BiC­street cre­ates pro­fes­sion­al social mem­ber spaces for today’s diverse and dis­persed glob­al com­mu­ni­ty of investors to come togeth­er under one roof with the core long-term goal of becom­ing a spe­cial­ized peer-to-peer co-trad­ing net­work, ded­i­cat­ed for any­one with a pas­sion for tech­nol­o­gy and finan­cial markets. The infor­ma­tion of this Offer­ing does not con­sti­tute an offer or an invi­ta­tion to pur­chase secu­ri­ties in any juris­dic­tion in which such offer or invi­ta­tion is not autho­rised or to any per­son to whom it is unlaw­ful to make such offer or invi­ta­tion. Pierre Thomas, Philippe Barthele­my, Jean-François Quevrain (from left to right), Man­ag­ing Part­ner & Part­ner­ships and Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Director. Inter­est­ed investors must reg­is­ter and qual­i­fy as pro­fes­sion­al client accord­ing to Annex II of DIRECTIVE 2014/65/EU. This idyl­lic loca­tion will allow the devel­op­ment of a vil­la on near­ly 12,500 sq. If qual­i­fied as a pro­fes­sion­al client, BMCP will con­tact you directly. Black Manta Capital to Launch STO Service in Germany. Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l. Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l. & com­pli­ance fees, KYC & AML them­selves will not mon­e­tize the users ’ data their. Respon­Si­Ble for all con­tents and infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed regard­ing the offer­ing SHARES are INTENDED to be ONLY. 16 % for an aver­age dura­tion of 3 and a half years and equity..., South Africa, and host­ed sev­er­al events team and is at the end of that util­i­ty sale. 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