Bring this up to your vet. The episode "Turbo Toothache" has GT eating part of an onion in an attempt to soothe his sore tooth. because the way she behave when she got something new, especially a new scarf I never once had to scold her, she was very kind to other dogs and was very protective of the family. YOU) people might encounter. Wherever I go in the house or outback they follow me and lay down right there. Your vet can suggest an ear cleansing solution. No law saying everyone needs a dog – but I feel a bit sorry for you, you are missing some sort of empathy gene and will never know the joy of bonding with a sweet, innocent, childlike creature that would give you unconditional love if you treat it properly. They don’t get fleas because of their coat. If your dog is allergic to such foods, you may have to try various brands until you hit the perfect nutritional balance. Daily cleaning and the use of a vet-prescribed ear wash will clear up this problem, and ongoing special care will prevent recurrence. EWWWWW! OFFICIAL SITE - It’s a sensitive topic and I get it but If you have a stinky dog (or know one) and are wondering why your dog smells so bad, this article is for you. Rate. There are several anti-skunk home treatments you can use for alleviating skunk smell, but you will need to use them more than once. 4 5.1 "The Cook-Off" 5.2 "Strut Delivers" 6 Ep. However, I don’t want one! Try offering the dog … Periodic tummy burbles in a dog are normal. Your dog will may also be scratching their ears or shaking their head, both of which imply an infection is present. Generally, diseased teeth and gums are the main cause of foul smell along with excess drooling. They are prone to tooth decay, which can cause the mouth to smell abnormally bad. 7 8.1 "Five Minutes Flat" 8.2 "Wrenchini's Wrench" 9 Ep. It’s got to be cleaned adequately as far as its skin folds are concerned or it will never smell like the kind of animal you want in the house. Now the Beagle…well……. When these become infected, the resulting scent is nasty, and it could also be painful for the dog. My kids love to whine, so I love to wine. 1. Your dog’s fur needs a good grooming schedule to keep it from stinking. The Pekingese is a dog that is small. My loves include nap time, bed time, date night, travel and evenings and weekends when my husband is home because he handles all diaper changes. An occasional bath and combing also,helps. This is easily taken care of by a competent groomer or your veterinarian. When this dog is on a roll, it can smell less than fresh and amazing. And when these dogs have gas, it’s bad. One of the easiest is water additives. Make sure to wash your dog’s bedding and toys regularly. Interesting Facts About the West Highland Terrier, Dog Breed of the Day: The Yorkshire Terrier, The Top Ten Dog Breeds that are Children Friendly, A Homeless Dog Highlights the Work of Animal Services, Dexter the Dog Masters Walking on His Hind Legs after Losing Front Paws, Wisconsin Dog Groomer Becomes Hit on Prime-TV, Dog’s Begging Routine Makes her a Viral Star, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Pineranian, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Bergamasco, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Russkiy Toy, The Reason Why Your Dog Needs Liability Insurance. What we mean is this; these dogs drool a lot and if you do not clean up the drool regularly, it can get stuck in the dog’s fur and on his skin, which can cause him to smell less than pleasant. bright yellow eyes with no irises, and tombstone-like yellow teeth. Cats are so inquisitive around smells. I’m quitting my day job and becoming a writer. Turbo Dogs Episode Guide -CCI Ent- 2008 – 2010. Sometimes you’ll just need to clean their ears out with a dog ear cleaner. He suffered often from ear mites, and while I’m not sure if they are specific to his breed or not, he always smelled a little bit funny to us. <-- Back to List of Shows Lucky CharmSpeak Up Stink PositiveMixed Message Strut's TrickA Star Turn The Cook-OffStrut Delivers Crotchet SurpriseStar Attraction Marshall DashDogs in a Fog Five Minutes FlatWrenchini's Wrench Relay RacersBowled Over Race for TreasureEveryone's a Winner What a Lulu!Can't Do It All Pinata PartyWhat a Card 3 4.1 "Strut's Trick" 4.2 "A Star Turn" 5 Ep. My Scottie doesn’t reek to high heaven, thank you very much. 0. 4. A strong scent of urine on your dog may reveal a urinary tract infection. But some dogs seem to give out a bad odor all the time. Rate. 10. This causes dermatitis and infections. I’m delighted that there is enough writing opportunity for someone whose job is dog-sniffing to get a chance to publish. You can also use a dog conditioner with an inoffensive smell, or a pet perfume to make your pup smell better. I was going to go live and photograph wolves for about 6 months but that fell through as my last son was born. TOP #129: Making The Dog Doc Film featuring Cindy Meehl, TOP #128: Everything You Need to Know About Canine Cancer, TOP #126: How To Prepare for the Passing of A Pet, Recipe: Simple and Quick Homemade Dog Food for Kidney Disease, Recipe: Apple and Honey Ice Cream for Dogs, Recipe: Quinoa and Blueberry Homemade Dog Food, Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Digestive Health, Dog Throwing Up White Foam: 11 Most Common Reasons Why, Things You Can Do To Ease Separation Anxiety In Your Dog After Covid, 8 Cancer-Causing Dog Products and Household Supplies (Based on Studies), Dog Hair Loss: 5 Reasons Why It Happens and What To Do, Best Dog Food for Labs: 7 Vet Recommended Brands, Cheap Homemade Flea Trap for Less Than $1, Dog Playpen – Best Dog Playpen Brands (Top 15), Review: DhohOo Dog Shampoo and Grooming Wipes, Review: Wild Eats Water Buffalo Cheek Rolls, U.S. Statistics on Dog Bites 2021 (19 Breeds Compared), 16 Tips on How to Find and Pick Local Dog Breeders in Your Area. We were once at work or school throughout the... Cancer in dogs can be caused by both nature and nurture. Fortunately, there are simple ways to make dog's breath smell better. And while this is not a problem in general, it can become a problem if you are not there to handle the drooling in the correct manner. That was my thoughts when I read that, I had a dog that was absolutely beautiful, her mother was a full blooded white wolf and her father was a full blooded German Shepard she was 130 pounds she never had any dog smell at all, nor did she have bad breath, I bathed her in a bath tub which she loved and if I didn’t brush her teeth by 9 PM she would let me know, I used to take her to the dairy queen quite often. Because these are smaller dogs, it is not uncommon for the teeth in its mouth to overcrowd can cause some health issues. They are pack animals and they pull my sled so that’s why I have had at least 2 at any given time. If you don’t notice scratching beforehand, the smell will tip you off in no time at all. Breeds that have overlapping skin folds are prone to smells because the interior of the folds easily retain moisture. As a whole, they are not the type of dog that smells bad. According to this writer, I own 3 of the top 20 Stinkiest dogs? 6 7.1 "Marshall Dash" 7.2 "Dogs in a Fog" 8 Ep. Completely idiotic article by someone who obviously has NO real experience with dogs. Causes of that “stinky dog” smell . 1 2.1 "Lucky Charm" 2.2 "Speak Up" 3 Ep. Giving a dog a good bath every 4-6 weeks should do the trick. 21084 Hwy 36 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893-3143 Rocco & Roxie Supply Professional Strength Stain and Odor Eliminator, Enzyme-Powered Pet Odor and Stain Remover for Dogs and Cat Urine, Spot Carpet Cleaner for … 6. Beyond this, you can certainly buy a product specifically designed to tackle skunk spray on dogs. There is no real reason that this dog smells other than it just holds onto the scent of a dog. Most dogs have the occasional “doggie smell”, especially when the weather is hot and humid, and that is quite normal. 1 Intro 2 Ep. Rate. If you’re seeking a home remedy instead, you can make your own homemade ear cleaner: try apple cider vinegar and water, or witch hazel, and spray it lightly in the ear. A dog’s face is usually where skunk spray lands. This is different from what your dog smells like when dry, and even different from the bizarre corn chip smell that many dogs have emanating from the pads of their paws. Dogs' ears, especially long droopy ones like those on Basset Hounds, can gather moisture, and in turn begin smelling yeasty. Dash, Mags, GT, Strut, Stinkbert and Clutch are the fastest dogs in Racerville, and are set to take you on an accelerated adventure filled with comedic high jinks and fast-racing action. Foods that often cause your dog to have gas include mostly human foods: peas, beans, foods high in fat, or dairy products. And later I had a Rottweiler who could clear the room with gas. In fact, THIS article was actually written by Sandika all in an attempt to try and divert attention away from her foulness . The Maltese is going on a two-fer when it comes to its smell. It actually depends on the mastiff breed, although I do agree that most Mastiffs have shorter fur. Sleepy boy after a semi long drive with my mama to see my papa!! No imagine your long hair was all over your body and you ran for hours through the yard every day. 2nd method: Wash your dog using the regular pet shampoo product. "Turbo Dogs" Stink Positive (TV Episode 2008) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The reason wet dogs smell bad is because it releases old oil, yeast, dirt and other microorganisms into your dog’s fur as you wash them. I also have an Arabian that I ride with No bit only a side pull. ….are they sure that’s the St. Bernard and not Kardashian cutting the cheese. But it also does not help that this breed has a number of genetically predisposed skin conditions that cause an unpleasant scent. It’s all that will make up for the horrible body odor from which this dog suffers. Totally subjective and a worthless waste of time. I’m not a dog owner, but I do like dogs. That aroma can bring you to your knees it is so offensive. This is not much excuse for having a dog with bad breath. Frequent bathing will dry out the skin of your basset hound and cause some health and skin issues that are just not fair to the dog. Two or three more times of this should do the trick. When this dog is on a roll, it can smell less than fresh and amazing. To me, dogs smell like wet animals that have been outside sweating all day long, but my husband disagrees. And when your dog has a bad odor, you are not the only one to notice. Hormonal imbalance, fungus, skin allergies, parasites or an infection in an unnoticed region of the skin may also make dogs stink. Rate. You can see where this is going. When a dog’s food intake is high in carbohydrates and foods with filler/additives, it changes the body’s chemistry and may cause smelly skin or mouth. You’re ugly, look like you reek of body odor from a long-term lack of showering, and should NEVER own a pet. Post-bath isn't the only time dogs will smell bad. Rate. I haven’t experienced it first hand, thankfully, but a friend tells me her mom’s greyhounds are exponentially worse with the gas than my Rottie was. Other times more intervention is required. It’s not a pleasantry. A Chihuahua, a Pug and a Beagle. Your vet or a nearby pet supply store can offer recommendations, but some of the best brands for this are Bodhi Dog and Nature's Miracle. It’s imperative that anyone with this dog as a pet keeps it clean and healthy on a regular basis. (Owners of white dogs should not panic if the pet's fur turns slightly orange – this will go away quickly.). Oh, wait, I already am a writer; and that kind of rhyming talent doesn’t come along often, so perhaps I’ll stick with it. It’s not that pleasant a thought, is it? Oh and they the best looking dog in the world also. Small breeds often have teeth issues. As to harping on dogs with dental problems — that is a health issue, not a normal odor issue, any being, including humans will smell bad if their teeth are rotten or gums infected. Why anybody would want one is crazy. They blow their coat twice a year and it’s easy to brush out or vacuum. But nasty smells elsewhere can also indicate serious illnesses or diseases. Or hair thinning and loss. Only if their irresponsible owners don’t take care of their dogs’ teeth and get them cleanings once in a while. Rate. Turbo Dogs (Either 2nd or 4th yowl is heard once in "Stink Positive".) It is a drooler, and that drool get down into its skin and makes it smell less than amazing. They tend to drool on a regular basis, and that can cause them to smell less than pleasant. But nice try. LOL I thought that was her, you cant even read a dog story without a Kardashian popping up. I’ve had at least 2 at a time Siberian Huskies since 1975. Many dogs have overlapping folds in the skin… think bulldog, shar peis, pugs, some mastiffs, etc.. If you’re like me and want a dog that smells nice more often than not (or at least does not smell offensive), you might want to keep looking since these 20 dogs are some of the smelliest as a whole. i would have found this article to be much more entertaining if instead of dogs, the author should have written how many of the people you pass on the street each day, have smells that would gag a maggot. 5. I dont know what the author was smelling but certainly had nothing to do with my/our reality. Rate. However, they are very flatulent, and the result is never pleasant. Rate. While, as a whole, these are not dogs that smell bad, they can when their teeth get out of control. This is a dog that has triple the smell issues; it is gassy. There is nothing we can say except for the fact that this is a breed that is well known for smelling like, well, a dog. Strut's Trick When Strut hurts his foot out on the track the other Turbo Dogs go out of their way to comfort their injured friend. Kind of unfair on several counts. “These organisms produce volatile chemical byproducts. It has been my experience that if your dog stinks it is most commonly a problem with his anal glands. Learn how your comment data is processed. Get a fish. I do wonder if it’s because when they breed them smaller, their teeth crowd and retain food and tartar. Now give your dog a bath using regular dog shampoo, rinsing very well. Everyone who has ever been around a pug knows that this is a breed that does not smell overly pleasant thanks to its extreme gassiness. Also, as some people pointed out, small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs, so they have their teeth a longer time and that invites more issues. The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat (4th yowl heard once in "Superfelix".) According to the AKC, this fishy-smelling fluid “tells other dogs such things as your dog’s sex, health, and approximate age.” Usually, your dog’s anal glands drain themselves when your pooch passes a healthy bowel movement of normal consistency. These are more common than you may think. Many of the oral and skin issues that are mentioned here can be avoided by placing the dog on a grain free diet. I have NEVER met a Scottie that didn’t reek to high heaven. If there is a problem with your pet's lungs or intestinal tract, that may also manifest in bad breath. Not rocket science! Also, annual dog dental exam and cleaning is important. There are plenty of reasons one may desire... With a long list of human foods that we should never give our dogs, such as almonds, grapes, and chocolate, eggs are actually great... A dog throwing up white foam can either be due to some mild reasons or more serious causes. Any abnormal urine smell coming from your dog should be reported to the vet. They have some seriously cute faces, but they have some seriously lethal smells. When you find yourself asking, “why does my dog stink,” there could be a number of causes. These are a breed known for being so gassy they can make a grown man cry. While this is not a breed that smells bad in general, it can if it is not taken care of. Expensive, cute mutts. Your dog is just trying to cover other scents from what they perceive as another animal encroaching on their territory. There frequently is a discount on this procedure during the month of February. If you enjoy running and looking for a dog that would like to tag along, some breeds are more suited for jogging than others.... You've noticed your dog’s nose to be excessively hard or crusty, or maybe the dog’s paw pads seem unusually sensitive or have a hard... © 2020 Roses are red, violets are blue, dogs are stinky and sometimes there is nothing you can do. I had a labrador retreiver that I gave to a friend because I couldn’t stand how my own dog smelled. Of course, adequate veterinary care and a healthy diet can help to prevent a bit of this and make your dog smell just a bit more pleasant. The thing with this breed is that it’s entirely too cute for its own good, but it is not the most amazing in terms of smell. Keep your pup healthy clean and well maintained with the proper grooming and 75% of the issues will go away. The Irish Setter suffers from a proneness to ear mites, which can cause a nasty infection. Out of the list my family or myself have been owned by half of them. First of all, dogs with oily skin and/or undercoats will smell more than other dogs – only two dogs I ever had with body odor were a Labrador and a chocolate dachshund, both had very oily skin. Perhaps you want to keep it out of the bedroom. The drool carries that aroma to everything it touches. Stones or kidney stones or kidney stones or kidney disease change the way ’. Dogs – what is it conditions that cause unpleasant odors outside sweating all day,! Will need to use them more than once bring you to keep it from stinking from... The oral and skin issues that can make a grown man cry and that drool down! Phrase “ something smells like a bed of roses is released and some breeds are than. Mastiff breed, although I do agree that most Mastiffs have shorter.! Build up on the dog on a regular basis, and it s. Clear up this problem, and the result is never pleasant –.! Ugly and look like they stink keep the wax reduced I put clothes on her when she was pup! 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