Not sure of the spelling? In Celtic mythology and folklore the hare has links to the mysterious Otherworld of the supernatural. The hare in African folk tales is a trickster; some of the stories about the hare were retold among African slaves in America, and are the basis of the Br'er Rabbit stories. The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy. Many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican, see a hare in the pattern of dark patches in the moon (see Moon rabbit). Hares can be prepared in the same manner as rabbits — commonly roasted or parted for breading and frying. Jugged hare, known as civet de lièvre in France, is a whole hare, cut into pieces, marinated, and cooked with red wine and juniper berries in a tall jug that stands in a pan of water. The hare is fast, tricksy and elusive. Hares have not been domesticated, while some rabbits are raised for food and kept as house pets. [1] Over longer distances, the European hare (Lepus europaeus) can run up to 56 km/h (35 mph). The hare in African folk tales is a trickster; some of the stories about the hare were retold among African slaves in America, and are the basis of the Br'er Rabbit stories. If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our permissions page. The sky is not divided up equally between the constellations. If you do track it down, let me know! In Celtic mythology and folklore these manmade places ranked in importance alongside those of the natural world. Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present, In charge of: Mayhem Also unlike rabbits, their young are able to fend for themselves shortly after birth rather than emerging blind and helpless. Consequently, as might be expected, Celtic mythology and folklore place the natural world at centre stage. Hares are classified in the same family as rabbits. The hare is a remarkable and beautiful animal. That was the conclusion of Canadian University of British Columbia (UCB) research. A hare less than one year old is called a leveret. Generally hares are larger than rabbits, with longer ears, and have black markings on their fur. Hares and rabbits are plentiful in many areas, adapt to a wide variety of conditions, and reproduce quickly, so hunting is often less regulated than for other varieties of game. That image stuck with me for years: a young woman transformed into a hare, not by choice, not as a power, but as a terrifying trap and a dreadful fate (and yet, what a form to be trapped in: the fast, elegant form of a hare! Your Privacy, Lari Don is an award-winning children’s writer and a storyteller, based in Edinburgh. London, 1747. page 50, able to fend for themselves shortly after birth, "Jackrabbits, Jackrabbit Pictures, Jackrabbit Facts - National Geographic", "What's the Difference Between Rabbits and Hares? The more of us there are, the greater is our impact on the environment. In all of the Celtic lands and beyond we need to look carefully at what our local, regional and national political representatives are saying and doing about the issue. The hare meat is cooked, then covered in at least one inch (preferably more) of butter. An otter, wolf, and tiger offer him their prey to eat in order to honour him. The hare meat is cooked, then covered in at least one inch (preferably more) of butter. Once I realised I was going to be spending three books with magical hares, I began to research the role of hares in traditional tales. Boudicca’s use of a hare feels very appropriate. Jugged hare is described in the influential 18th-century cookbook, The Art of Cookery by Hannah Glasse, with a recipe titled, "A Jugged Hare", that begins, "Cut it into little pieces, lard them here and there ..." The recipe goes on to describe cooking the pieces of hare in water in a jug set within a bath of boiling water to cook for three hours. The Irish hare is native to Ireland and carbon dating of fossils show they were present in Ireland as far back as 28,000BC. DiscoverKelpies have also offered a £5 voucher for every #FolkloreThursday reader to use on their website — find the code in the July newsletter! In England, a now rarely served dish is potted hare. It is largely silent, preferring to feed at night or, in summer, as the last light fades from the day, a shadowy existence which adds to its mysteriousness in hare mythology. The image has been traced from Christian churches in the English county of Devon right back along the Silk Road to China, via western and eastern Europe and the Middle East. This appears to be competition between males to attain dominance for breeding. [22] The Shia, though, have difference in opinion. In particular we need to scrutinise their approach to any proposed damaging industrial and housing developments  and populations increases that would encroach on wildlife habitats. A huge thank you to all of our official sponsors, and everyone who pledges to keep #FolkloreThursday running! The report states that: The biggest recorded threat to biodiversity globally comes from the combined impacts of habitat loss and degradation, driven by unsustainable human consumption. Hare mythology plays a crucial part in our stories and history, from Cornish legend’s otherworldly White Hare to the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Article last revised on May 19, 2019 by Rowan Allen. Oisin followed the wounded animal into a thicket where he found a door leading down into the ground. By contrast, rabbits are altricial, having young that are born blind and hairless. Just copy the text in the box below. Joined at their tips, their ears form a triangle, each hare apparently with two ears, though the tile artist has drawn only three in total. They found overall populations had declined by 69.6 per cent, equivalent to a loss of about 230 million birds in 60 years. While each of the animals appears to have two ears, only three ears are depicted. Today hare mythology has extended and the hare motif is to be found on fabric, wallpaper, cushions, lampshades and ties; it has been used as a letterhead, a heraldic device and in the design of stock pins, cuff-links, brooches and charms for bracelets. There has also been a dramatic decline in seabird populations. Their preference then as now was for open country and grassland, downs and flat marshlands. [8], Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer ears, and have black markings on their fur. 12- or 20-bore: what is the best bore size for women? [2][3] The five species of jackrabbits found in central and western North America are able to run at 64 km/h (40 mph) over longer distances, and can leap up to 3 m (10 ft) at a time. It is no surprise then that the hare is so closely associated with the moon, particularly the full moon, a connection found in mythology and folktales all over the world, India, China, Africa, Mexico, North America, and Europe at least. A survey in 2008 estimated current brown hare numbers in Britain in the region of 800,000, a figure which represents a consistent if gradual decline since the Sixties. Godchecker™ is a trade mark used under license. The ghostly hare follows the deceiver wherever he goes. Its use is associated with Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Buddhist sites stretching back to about 600 CE. Ceremonial hats with bunny ears. By contrast, rabbits are altricial, having young that are born blind and hairless. Although hares and rabbits are in the same family they are different species. They have 48 chromosomes while rabbits have 44. In succeeding centuries, farmland, particularly arable land, also proved popular with hares. You get three very different perspectives on the hare (rabbit) in these fables. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. A hare less than one year old is called a leveret. One method of preserving the blood after draining it from the hare (since the hare is usually hung for a week or more) is to mix it with red wine vinegar to prevent coagulation, and then to store it in a freezer.[18][19]. Type: God Hare mythology and particuarly the ubiquity of hares in children’s fiction and television programmes ensures a continual stream of merchandising. During this spring frenzy, animals of both sexes can be seen "boxing", one hare striking another with its paws. The hare (and in recent times, the rabbit) is a staple of Maltese cuisine. And to witness a pair boxing is one of spring’s most delightful rite of passages. There’s a pandora’s box type story about hare being sent to Earth by the moon with two bundles – one containing all the bad things, and one containing all the stories with which we are to protect ourselves from the bad things. [28] The latter once gave the European hare the Linnaean name Lepus timidus[29] that is now limited to the mountain hare. Partridge shooting tips. They are generally herbivorous, have long-ears, are fast runners, and normally live alone or in pairs. [14] This attribution is apocryphal. by JM McPherson, I discovered stories about witches transforming into hares. Many other British cookbooks from before the middle of the 20th century have recipes for jugged hare. Wenenut is the female counterpart of the Those entities were seen as very powerful and the hares link to them sent a warning that those who harm them could suffer dreadful consequences. Area or people: Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin In ancient times objects were placed in rivers, bogs, lakes and springs as offerings. Around the house at the centre of the novel – a loosely fictionalised version of her ancestral home, Knole – she imagined a parkland setting unchanged over many centuries: “The background was the same: the grey walls, the flag on the tower, the verdure of the trees, the hares and the deer feeding on the glades.” Like a vignette from a medieval hunting tapestry, the creatures that animate Sackville-West’s vision of timeless pastoralism are the quarry of the chase: deer and hare. Over the centuries hares have had changing fortunes. Consider donating a few pennies to the Godchecker Temple Roof Fund. Lepus, The Hare Constellation. ut hare stories aren’t all dark. The domestic pet known as the Belgian Hare is a rabbit that has been selectively bred to resemble a hare.[9]. The Irish hare is native to Ireland and carbon dating of fossils show they were present in Ireland as far back as 28,000BC. As they were never impressed by the numerous rabbits this cat eviscerated on our doorstep, I realised hares must be special and different. Because of their extremely low fat content, they are a poor choice as a survival food.[12]. Trees and flowers such as Oak, Holly, Apple, Hazel, Alder, Willow, Yew, Mountain Ash or Rowan and Elder. Alternative names: Gender: Male Ancient stones and tombs are placed in a way that capture moments of astronomical importance. Many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican, see a hare in the pattern of dark patches in the moon (see Moon rabbit). [31], The hare has given rise to local place names, as they can often be observed in favoured localities. In this image, three hares are seen chasing each other in a circle with their heads near its centre. Conversely, jackrabbits are hares, rather than rabbits. It is a far cry from the Romans’ perception of hares as symbolic of lust, abundance and fecundity: Pliny the Elder advocated a diet of hare as a means of increasing sexual attractiveness and also claimed that hare meat had the power to cure sterility. Their chosen habitat is one that offers shelter in the form of long grass or heather; food in the form of herbs, grasses and cereal crops; and the broad expanses which afford a canvas for hares’ remarkable speed. Easter takes its name from the pagan goddess Ēostre as mentioned by the English monk Bede in his work ‘The Reckoning of Time’ written in 725AD. In Celtic mythology and folklore the hare has links to the mysterious Otherworld of the supernatural. This showed that the world’s monitored seabird populations have dropped by 70 per cent since the 1950s.

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